Our Translation Process
For translations we use easy but highly effective step-by-step translation process:
You provide us with the source document(s) and required time frame.
We estimate your request and provide you with a free quote.
You approve the quote, sign an agreement and make a prepayment.
We complete a first draft of the translation.
You provide a feedback on the draft.
We implement the changes and deliver the final translation.
We send you the invoice, which indicates terms of payment.

Source documents can be sent to us by e-mail, fax, regular mail or you can bring it to our office in person. We can work with most file formats including pdf, html, Word, Excel, etc. All received documents are treated as strictly confidential.
Quotations are provided promptly and free of charge after we analyze and estimate the source document(s). Fees for translation are calculated, based on a number of factors including complexity and nature of the text, length of the text and required time frame.
For most small projects (for example – for birth certificate translation) we will not charge any prepayment and will not do several drafts but translate the documents in one step after you approve our quote by e-mail, fax or phone.
Delivery of the final translation can be arranged by courier, regular mail or you can pick it up in person.
All translations of legal documents will be accompanied by a “Translators’ Declaration”, however Notarization of documents is also available.
Interpretation Process
For interpretations we usually use the following process:
You provide us with the date, time, location, duration, context of the appointment.
We estimate your request and provide you with a free quote.
You approve the quote, sign an agreement and make a prepayment.
We confirm interpreter’s attendance.
Our professional interpreter attends the appointment you booked on the given date and time.
We send you the invoice, which indicates terms of payment.
The more details about upcoming appointment you will provide (attending professionals, topics of negotiations etc.) the easier for us will be assign the most appropriate and professional interpreter for your needs.
For further information about German Language translation Services please give us a call at +27 (0) 12-348-3134 or e-mail us at info@germantranslation.co.za and we’ll be more than happy to talk with you about your German language needs, or to answer any questions you may have.